Maintenance For HVAC System

You may be asking yourself why should you purchase a Kool Guys Air Maintenance Plan when your heater or air conditioning is under warranty.

That's a great question.

Why should you consider a maintenance plan for your home's HVAC system?

To put it simply, a maintenance plan is not an extended warranty. In fact, a maintenance plan will ensure that the required upkeep on your manufacturer’s maintenance requirements are met so that your HVAC system will remain under warranty. Without proper documentation of annual maintenance, manufacturers are under no obligation to honor their own warranties.

Perks of a Maintenance Plan

When you are a part of the Kool Guys HVAC Maintenance Plan you have the confidence and guarantee to know your system and unit are safe and operational when you need them most. If it doesn't call us right away, we are there when you need us.

Peace of Mind

When you need us we will schedule your call right away. You will be placed in the front; ahead of customers without a Kool Guys, Maintenance plan agreement.

Priority Service

If your unit or system runs into a problem give us a call righr way, we are there for your needs when you need us.

Scheduling Made Easy

Routine maintenance is important before your unit runs full-time in the hot Arizona summer and again when the temperature drops on those cold desert nights.

Seasonal Tune-Ups

Just like your vehicle, when your system is properly maintained, your equipment lasts longer, saving you money!

Increased Equipment Life

In the case that you sell your home, you will have proof that your home's heating and cooling equipment has been properly maintained and is in good condition.

Proof & Documentation

Benefits of Regular Maintenance

If you purchase a maintenance plan, you will be more likely to get those necessary annual tune-up and have your system running efficiently throughout the year. The technician will be able to change dirty filters and spot other problems that are impacting your home’s comfort system’s efficiency. Keeping your heating and cooling system maintained helps it work more affordably.

Hiring a qualified HVAC technician like those here at Kool Guys Air; to inspect your system a few times each year means you can detect any potential issues before they cause you a headache down the road. This means finding problems before they put your home’s comfort at risk.

When Should I Consider Purchasing an HVAC Maintenance Plan?

First, you should decide how much maintenance you are willing to do yourself. If you have the time and skills to do the necessary Fall and Spring system maintenance that is recommended under warranty, you can do it on your own and skip our Kool Guys HVAC Maintenance Plan altogether.

Do you want someone else to perform the routine maintenance?

If, yes, check out our Kool Guy Maintenance Plan. We service the Phoenix East Valley areas and want to keep your units running efficiently year-round.

Is the unit old and no longer under warranty?

Then you should highly consider becoming apart of our maintenance plan.

Have you had a lot of repair bills in the past?

Then you should highly consider becoming a part of our maintenance plan or contact us about replacing your system.

Your heating and cooling equipment is a large investment and maintaining it is an equally big investment. To protect your investment and get the most out of it, routine maintenance is a necessity. Kool Guys Air Maintenance Plan will protect your system and give you peace of mind. Living in Arizona our HVAC systems can sometimes run year-round. Sign up today and keep your system running efficiently today!

Ready for a Kool Guys Air Maintenance Plan?